Chart Reports

Learn how you are truly designed

This science, known as The Human Design System is often described at the ‘Science of Differentiation’ and the ‘Science of Awakening’. Your inherent nature and uniqueness is described and upon hearing it, like many others, you will find it deeply confirming. The truth has a particular ring to it. Self-recognition is a powerful experience and you will be empowered to begin the process of correcting your life that is likely to have been based on incorrect decisions and a lack of clarity about who you are.

Most people think they know who they are based on their own experience and what other people tell them or the way they behave towards them. Their self-belief is founded on these two things. That’s normal. Yet the world is full of people who are not in tune with themselves.

There are two sides to all of us.

Our self-belief is often shattered in the simple process of living life. We find ourselves in awkward situations and fail to handle them correctly. The conditioning we receive from those around us causes us to detour from a path that is resonant with our nature. We find ourselves chasing what we think we want, expending time, energy and finances on endeavours only to discover there always seems to be something missing. Even if we succeed often it is not satisfying.

Your Personal Report will reveal your true nature and the conditioning from others that you mistakenly hold onto as real.

Your Core Personal Human.Design Report - £45.00

This Core comprehensive Report consists of approximately 70 pages and will provide you with an accurate interpretation of:

  • Your Blueprint as a graphic and a list of qualities.
  • Your Type - there are 4 different Types of human being specified in the Human Design System, just as there are 4 different blood types.
  • The interpretations of the primary centres that make up your nature. Including, how you operate within the realms of awareness, energy, identity and manifestation.
  • The correct way to navigate in your life without meeting resistance.
  • A general description of the negative conditioning you are likely to have encountered. How to operate in a way to use that conditioning to nurture wisdom to become more successful in the world and in your relationships.
  • The way you are designed to make correct decisions that fit with who you truly are.
  • The overall structure of your Design. Some people are fully integrated in their Life Force, while others can have two, three or even four separate contradictory parts to them.
  • The costume you wear and have always worn, that may be defined as a general character.
  • Information about your purpose and how your life can be fulfilled.
  • An accurate description of your unique Life Force and how it moves within you.
  • Biological correspondences to your innate nature.
  • A description of the electromagnetic aura that surrounds your body and how it operates.

Order your Core report

Your Advanced Personal Human.Design Report - £77.00

This Advanced report, consisting of approximately 130 pages will provide you with an accurate interpretation of:

  • Everything included in the Core report plus
  • A detailed description of the negative conditioning you are likely to have encountered. How to operate in a way to use that conditioning to nurture wisdom to become more successful in the world and in your relationships.
  • Your unique characteristics and precisely how they are held within you. This level of interpretation has never been attempted before and is a world first. It can be shockingly true and begin a deep awakening process within you.
  • The planetary influences which bring a further context to each characteristic. This part of the report may be familiar to astrologers, but it highlights the unique characteristics rather than a general planetary interpretation that is so general is can only be partially true. It also contains the specific quality provided by the Earth, which is not within the current scope of astrology as commonly understood.
  • Advice, Alerts regarding dysfunctional propensities and anecdotal real life examples are provided to assist you in handling your characteristics in a functional and beneficial way.
  • Your Mental attributes and potentially negative thought patterns are described with support and guidance provided.
  • You will discover the physical unconscious aspects to your nature that others may be well aware of, but you may be never have seen yourself.
  • The information in this report, if it could be supplied by a highly qualified analyst, which is unlikely as it is sourced from almost 20 years of experience and research, would take at least 8 hours to relate and would cost well over US$1,000.

Order your Advanced report

Order your Report

To ensure accurate results you need to make sure you provide a reliable birth time.

  Oh snap!
Please note: Birth location is used to determine the correct time zone and daylight saving policies, so it is not important to have the exact birth city - only one that is in the same region.