Daily Impact - July 27 2024, 03:43 UTC *

The ‘Daily Impact’ interpretation reflects the impact of the Sun and Earth (70% of the neutrino influence) on what happens in the world as time moves us through the Gates and Lines of the Human Design wheel. 

What is offered here is a general frame to the day, especially in terms of external conditioning and potential identification with the power of the Sun’s influence through a particular Gate theme. Also consider what is written about the grounding effect of the Gate in the Earth position of the day. Take note of the Line of the day and think about the quality of the Line and the Rave I Ching cryptic sentence. And, of course, pay attention to any Channels that may be formed on the day, as that Life Force will most certainly be relevant to whatever happens. 

For those of you who are more familiar with the Gates and Channels, pay attention to the chart of the day which shows us the detail of the day’s imprint. Look for Gates that may join a ‘hanging’ Gate in your chart, notice the planetary accent it has and ponder upon its relevance to your day. Above all else, ‘The Daily Impact’ is a tool to assist subscribers to witness themselves living their life within ‘The Program’ and becoming more aware by observing the themes unfold.

Gate 31 - Influence


Bodygraph position: The THROAT Centre

Quarter: The Quarter of Civilisation - Purpose fulfilled through Form

Line 3 - Selectivity

Exalted: The ability to carefully assess and choose the proper influence and to tailor one's behaviour accordingly. The capacity to lead enhanced through association with the proper influences.

Detriment: Qualitative selectivity with the risk of a runaway enthusiasm that may lead to humiliation. The drive to lead that will accept any follower and the risks.

* Here we see a representation of Moon Jae-In, the South Korean president who was hugely popular for a long time after he came to power. The fate of a public politician’s time in power can never be predicted. Something can always pop up that destroys their popularity, either from their own actions or from the people’s concerns over something important to them that has been neglected. However, after one of my teaching tours in Seoul had ended and I was on my way to JuJu island with those who had organised my trip (Rave Korea), I spotted news coverage on a television that was in the airport car rental office. Moon Jae-In was talking and I was genuinely, and pleasantly, surprised to hear from my South Korean colleagues how much they held Moon Jae-In in high regard. Such appreciation of our political leaders is not a common experience in the UK. Moon Jae-In has the full Channel of the Alpha and so has the 31st Voice.

The hexagram of ‘Influence’ the Gate of Leading comes into the transit field and in doing so brings us the ‘voice’ of leadership.

This is the voice of the politician, the elected leader who can promote a future that those they lead actually want. In that sense they remain in power. But verbal leadership does not necessarily result in manifestation, and we all know how politicians often make ‘U turns’ away from promises made on their electoral campaigns, once they are in power.

So be aware, at this time, of things that you may say or others could say to you that may sound logically a good way to move into a better direction, but it could also be just ‘talk’ if no action is taken to align to it.

If you notice your own thoughts ‘telling’ you what you must do, please understand that unless you have the energy available (whether physically or financially or in terms of others being ready to follow you) for such apparently ‘sensible’ action, it doesn’t mean you will actually do anything.

This is a time to consider what could be said, in what way and to whom, in order to bring more functionality, order and positive direction into your life.

Someone may say something which sparks us into action, because they provide the missing link in our plan that we can then take into the ‘real’ world.

If you receive such verbal direction and that direction involves others, do check in to make sure that the ‘others’ are happy to go in such a direction, before you commit too many resources to ‘manifest’ the route into what you think is a better future. For example, in the making of a TV series, it is common to shoot a ‘pilot’ episode and show it to various ‘test’ groups of the general public, to see if the popularity with the audiences is sufficient to proceed with the proposed series.

Should you be involved in inspiring others, whether as a Life Coach, Teacher, Author, Blog-writer and so on, this could be a good time for you to re-examine your work, to see if there is a better way of expressing it that can reach out to more people.

If you have an Open Throat Centre, be aware that you may find yourself trying to tell others what they have to do, in order to improve their lives. If that is the case, look closer to see if they are really paying attention to you, and if not, mentally put yourself in their place and consider what it is they are actually open to hearing. An elected leader will not stay in power if they do not allow themselves to be led by the people they represent.

This can also be a time when we consider who is in our lives and if our lives are going in a ‘good’ direction or not. If not, then it is likely there could be criticisms and complaints coming to the surface.

The 41st Gate of Contraction grounds this verbal expression of leadership. So we may be influenced to speak about experiences, or possible ventures to share with others, that fire our imagination, but without sufficient resources they won’t happen. Conversely, we may be moved to follow our expectations despite insufficient resources. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Many businesses and many relationships have begun on very little and blossomed into exciting and expansive ventures. But obviously, following one’s Strategy and Authority is our main protection against jumping into something that is just a short-term fantasy. Beware of making investments, make sure you do your due diligence checks.

Harmonic Gate

If you have the 7th Gate, which is the role of ‘logical leadership’, and the 31st Gate is in the transit field, then this could be a time when you can more easily get people to pay attention to your endeavours, and rise up into a position of influence. This could be a time when you are able to apply the right ‘phrase’ or medium that is both appropriate and appealing.

So many would-be leaders fall by the wayside because they haven’t mastered the language and intonation that represents the aspiration of those who would follow them. So if you are one of those aspiring leaders, or social media aficionados, pay close attention to what is communicated, as a positive way forward during this time.

3RD LINE DAY : Trial and Error • Mutative • Material • Bonds made and Broken

This is a mutative time where things may not go as planned. Flow with the chaos that may come with this day. Use your Strategy and Authority to navigate through what may be the meeting of the unexpected.

The 3rd Line carries with it the tendency to ‘bump’ into things or people. Now this could be perceived as negative or positive. Negative in terms of accidents or breakages or positive in terms of the sudden appearance of an old friend or perhaps finding yourself outside a store that has exactly what you want at a sale price.

The 3rd Line is also known as the Line of Trial and Error. So this can be a time when more inaccuracies or mistakes may manifest. It is a process of experiential learning. Sure, something may go wrong, but in learning why it went wrong new discoveries may be made.

The 3rd Line also has a material connotation to it. So this is also a time when money could be made... or lost. It is a time when the material demands of modern society may wear heavy on our heads or a time when we get to grips with the material necessities and deal with it.

There is also the possibility of experiencing shame in some way due to ‘mistakes’ that may be made. We need to be forgiving of ourselves, and others, today. After all it is the transit that is affecting us, and it is not as easy to live by one’s Strategy and Authority as is to understand it conceptually. Also see that ‘mistakes’ are essential for us to grow; by encountering limits we may not recognise in ourselves unless we experience them.

Bonds being made and broken is an important 3rd Line theme. The 3rd Line is adaptive and that entails breaking bonds that are obstructive, restricting or unpleasant. If you have a 3rd Line in your Profile, then it is important for you to break the bonds in order to expand your experience of life. On this day everyone will be conditioned to do so to some extent. Our Strategy and Authority will let us know if it’s correct or not. Be aware that the majority of the population don’t know they are being conditioned today by this theme, so watch it play out. Bonds that have been broken can be mended later on, in some cases.

Get to know the themes of the Lines as they come by as regular cycles throughout the weeks and months. As you track them, even occasionally, you will become more and more aware of the Program within which we live. Don’t let the conditioning of the day take you away from following your Strategy and Authority. Just look deeper into what is happening to you and around you.

Take this transit as an opportunity to see these themes occur within and around you. As you see them you will then have the opportunity to consider that you yourself may indeed be a pattern in a larger Program, as described by The Human Design System. If you can verify the truth of the transiting Gates in your life today, then I trust it will remind you to come back to following your Strategy and Authority - for that is the way to play the game. It is the way to wake up mechanically and experience what it is like to flow along in your life as yourself, without the resistance that comes from trying to live a conditioned life in a ‘Not-self’ world. 

As we notice the daily impact upon our own Human Design imprint during the day, we naturally grow in our awareness of ourselves and the adventure of what it is to be alive in a world that is constantly conditioning us.

Those who are Reflectors can align to the daily transit, paying particular attention to the drive of the Moon. The rest of us, Manifestors, Generators and Projectors are here to resist the conditioning in terms of our decision-making and learn from it to increase our wisdom.


UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) is a time standard based on Earth's rotation. It is a modern continuation of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), i.e., the mean solar time on the Prime Meridian at Greenwich, England. Check the time in your location against UT to calculate precisely when this transit will impact you. For instance, if you live in New York you will be 5 hours behind UT.

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