
The 4 Types


Ra Uru Hu describes each of the 4 Types of Human being to an audience of only that Type.

Full Description

Type is the most basic of differences between people. We are not the same. There are four different Types of human being and they all operate in a totally different way. Living life not knowing what Type of human being you are is akin to living life with blinkers on, it leads to living a life that is not your own.

Here Ra goes into the differences of each Type showing famous examples as he does so. The fact that he speaks to an audience of only the Type he is discussing was a breakthrough experience for him, as well as for those who participated. This film is a life-changer and it will give you a new and important perspective and will change the way you see those who are important to you in your life.

This film is 4:34 hours in length. Check out the free preview of any or all of the Types that are listed spearately in order to get a flavour of this film before purchasing.