
Living Your Design Course - TEACHING FILM - Foundation Course 1 (Level 1)


The Living Your Design Course - A Cellular Transformational course that initiates the jump into The Human Design System. A Level 1 educational program. Films and Online.


Full Description

This is the first course that introduces The Human Design System to beginners. It comprises of 8 x 1.5 hour professionally created teaching films . There is a free additional live Online session where there is the opportunity to ask questions in a live Online room where students can meet and discuss the topics and ask the course teacher, Richard Beaumont, any questions they may have. The number of hours of video including the Q&A session is approximately 13 hours.

The pre-requisite for attending this course is that the student should have had a Human Design foundation reading and purchased the 'Living Your Design' Student manual which can be purchased from this site.

The topics of the course include looking at the 9 Centres, the 4 Types and touching on the different Authorities and Definitions in order to begin to read a Human Design chart in a simple but accurate way. It is also an introduction to 'The Not Self', the shadow side of human beings that causes so much dysfunction in most people's lives. It is designed as an experiential course where the student is encouraged to fully enter into their own experiment of following their unique Strategy and Authority.

The course is presented by Richard Beaumont.

For more information click this link:

Price £245

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